
I offer the ability to provide holistic care and address weight loss/obesity, inflammatory lifestyle and chronic pain concerns. There are protocols for holistic care, DNA profiling, Genetic testing, GI and immunity testing. hese are tests that unfortunately are cash but off inside that the traditional model just does not address.

Discovery Call

This is your time to shine! A 15 minute call to find out what we can do for you. You will find out pricing and programs to support your health journey.

Chart Review

Feeling stuck? Feeling not listened to? With this program, your current medical chart-labs, progress notes, imaging reports- can be uploaded and reviewed by Dr. Sorkin.

The Functional Joint Protocol

The meat and bones of our program! There will be an initial intake assessment and appropriate testing will be ordered...

IV Fluids

If you are in NJ, NY (lower NY state and the 5 boroughs for now) IV fluids will be suggested for you. Each session and particular bag of fluids will have a cost associated.


This will be an intake evaluation for weight loss. Labs and plan of care will be discussed. Cost of pharmaceutical treatments (available in certain areas) will be discussed at a follow up after labs are evaluated.

Functional Health Assessment

This program is a full reset. Testing will be offered (at a cost determined by the lab chosen). The introduction evaluation will determine what is the best resource for you...

Nerve Revatilizer

I sell a package of products aimed to:
relieve, treat, cure
the pain of peripheral neuropathy. Make an appointment today to learn about this amazing service!

Medical Weightloss

Semaglutide (the same ingredient in Wegovy & Ozempic) and Tirzepatide (the same ingredient in Zepbound & Mounjaro) are self-injectable weight loss medications that can support long-term weight management.